How do you manage your debt?

Follow these simple 5 steps and you will always have no debt stress or find yourself in a debt trap. Step 1…Know what you OWE To make sure that you don’t miss your payments and to maintain good credit history and a good credit score, figure out exactly how much do you owe, to whom and how much. Keep a record of all your loans and credit cards, including information such as: Account / card number, lender/card provider, type of debt (housing loan, auto loan,…

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Do you need credit counselling?

Let me start with identifying the symptoms that would help you recognize the need for credit counselling • Rejection of a loan / credit card application • Poor credit history • Low credit score • Cash strapped due to obligations • Debt trap Is your answer to any of the above symptoms a “YES”? Undoubtedly most of us would believe that credit counselling is required when…

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